
2009/08/12 Seaside Memories

After the Typhoon

I try to find some secret pool I saw in the mapbut road is so bad  ,I can not move free

And water is very muddy

When I drive in the Seaside road #17,I remembered some old memories

The first  fishing skill I used,chinu 前打

Today some big fish break my fishing line,maybe grouper

I love this  fishing skill ,it is very exciting ,simple the best 

When I go home

I discovered that on the road has a turtle



2024/04/07 鱸麻級石班再臨!

前陣子才在家看沖縄獨木舟遇到21kg級石班,邊看邊羡慕那海那沙灘那環境 https://youtu.be/2ZLNbRS31uw?si=Wfyf7Ku-x89tbyQb ,想不到今天我在台灣也能享受到類似的感動真是太感謝這片海了~ 回合一開始線噴不停!一直往外跑讓我以為是馬面瓜類...